We are committed to working in partnership with the police, local councils and other organisations to prevent anti-social behaviour and hate crimes and will take firm and prompt action when it happens.

Any behaviour that has caused or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more people within their home or community is anti-social behaviour.

Examples of anti-social behaviour are:

  • Criminal activity (committing arrestable offences)
  • Damage to property
  • Dangerous dogs (Dangerous Dogs Act 1991)
  • Intimidation
  • Hate crimes
  • Drug abuse or distribution
  • Alcohol or solvent abuse
  • Noise nuisance.

Report an instance of ASB

Report an instance of anti-social behaviour, domestic violence or a hate crime online by clicking this link.

If the harassment is severe then you should report it to the police straight away. Call 101 to report an incident to the police or 999 if it is an emergency.

How we will deal with your report

When you contact us we will ask you what has been happening and try to get a full picture of events. We will need to know the dates and times of incidents, what happened, who was involved and how it has made you feel. We then categorise your complaint to decide how we will investigate it and agree a plan with you.

Hate crime

We believe everyone has the right to live peacefully within their own home and community irrespective of colour, race, religion, ethnic origin, disability, nationality, gender or sexual orientation. 

Enforcement powers

Where necessary we will use enforcement powers on anyone found to have broken the law or our tenancy agreements.

Community Triggers

The Government has introduced new laws called Community Triggers to help the police, local councils and housing associations work better together to combat anti-social behaviour.

If you have any queries about how we deal with anti-social behaviour or want to speak to someone in confidence then please do not hesitate to contact us.